Do you feel physically drained, emotionally unbalanced, or spiritually out of sync? Your chakras may need to be balanced and realigned.
When your energy centers, or chakras, are in balance, you feel calm, centered, grounded, energized, happy, and able to accomplish almost anything you set your mind to. You are much more able to achieve your goals without stumbling and without letting everyday obstacles get in your way.
When one or more of our chakras are out of sync, blocked or imbalanced, the flow of energy is restricted or disrupted. When your chakras are misaligned, out of balance, or worse, blocked in this way, you tend to feel deflated, tired, lost, emotionally unstable, directionless, and even hopeless or despondent.
Your primary chakras are the seven energy centers in the body, each of which represents a different aspect of our physical, emotional, and spiritual energy flow and well-being. The word “chakra” comes from Sanskrit and means “wheel” or “disc. These energy centers are essentially like spinning wheels or vortices of energy that regulate the flow of energy or life force throughout your entire mind-body.
The chakras play a crucial role in the distribution of energy throughout the body. When the chakras are open, balanced and aligned, energy flows freely, promoting harmony, wellness and optimal functioning. Each chakra is associated with specific organs, emotions and functions, and when open and balanced, they ensure your overall health and well-being.
Imbalances in the chakras can manifest in a variety of ways, potentially affecting physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. For example, an imbalance in the root or base chakra can lead to feelings of insecurity and instability, while an imbalance in the heart chakra can result in difficulty making meaningful connections with others.
Recognizing these signs of imbalance is crucial in addressing and realigning the chakras to restore harmony and vitality. Balancing and aligning your chakras is essential to maintaining your overall well-being. When your chakras are in balance, it has a positive effect on your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health.Your physical health and immune function may also suffer.
Each of the seven major chakras is associated with specific physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual states of being. It is essential that we keep these energy centers open, balanced and flowing.
Balanced chakras are essential for maintaining mental and emotional stability. When your chakras are aligned, you may experience less stress, anxiety, and depression. This balance allows for a clearer mind, better decision-making, and an overall sense of emotional stability.
Having balanced chakras can have a direct effect on your physical health. It is believed that balanced chakras can strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, and increase energy levels. When energy flows freely through the chakras, it can lead to an overall sense of physical well-being.
Balanced chakras are essential for spiritual growth and connection. When the chakras are aligned, it enhances one’s intuition, connection to higher consciousness, and deepens one’s understanding of oneself and the universe. This balance fosters a sense of spiritual fulfillment and connection to something greater than oneself.
The chakras can be balanced and realigned through various physical, mental, and spiritual interventions. These may include various practices such as meditation, yoga, breath work, diet, natural remedies, and various energy healing methods such as reiki, acupuncture, qigong, sound healing, prayer, reflexology, and so on.
If you suspect that one or more of your chakras are out of balance or blocked, it is recommended that you incorporate some balancing energy work into your daily lifestyle and spiritual routine. Some of my favorite practices and interventions are:
Visualized meditation is highly effective in aligning and balancing the chakras. By focusing on each energy center with a visualization exercise, you can access intuitive awareness of any blockages or imbalances and mentally visualize the necessary adjustment or improvement.
Yoga, with its emphasis on physical postures, rhythmic breathing, and meditation, is an ancient, proven practice for harmonizing the body’s energy flow. Specific yoga postures, such as the tree pose for the root chakra or the cobra pose for the heart chakra, target and balance specific chakras. Movement practices such as tai chi and qigong also facilitate the smooth flow of energy, helping to align the chakras.
Crystals therapy is a popular practice for balancing and aligning the chakras. Each chakra is associated with specific stones that resonate with and support its particular energy frequency. For example, amethyst is often used for the crown chakra, while citrine is associated with the solar plexus chakra. Placing these stones on the appropriate chakra locations can help clear energy blockages and restore balance.
Sound therapy, including the use of singing bowls, tuning forks, or chanting, is another approach to chakra balancing. The vibrational sound frequencies produced by these instruments resonate with the chakras, helping to release stagnant energy and realign the energy centers. This auditory stimulation can induce a state of deep relaxation and promote the free flow of energy throughout the body’s subtle pathways. One of the most powerful tools in sound healing is the solfeggio frequency. Solfeggio frequencies are a specific set of six tones found in medieval music. Solfeggio frequencies are powerful primal tones that positively alter brainwave activity, promote relaxation and reduce stress. They also balance the body’s chakras or energy centers.
The Muladhara or root chakra is the first of the seven primary chakras or subtle energy centers in the human body. This chakra is located at the base of the spine at the perineum and is represented by the color red. It is the base of the chakra system. The Sanskrit word muladhara means ‘support’, ‘root’ or ‘base’.
The root chakra gives us a sense of security, stability and belonging. It is also responsible for making us feel grounded and connected to ourselves and others. In essence, it is our energetic connection to the earth.
When the Muladhara chakra is open, aligned and balanced, we feel a deep sense of security and stability. Our body feels physically energized and strong, able to handle whatever physical challenges and obstacles may come our way.
However, when this chakra is underactive or blocked, we become dissociated from our physical body and feel disconnected from the material world. This can manifest as feelings of insecurity, fear and anxiety. We become anxious, restless and unsettled in mind and body.
Conversely, when the Muladhara chakra is overactive, we may become overly attached to our physical appearance and identity, extremely materialistic, and obsessed with accumulating wealth, property, and material possessions.
Suggested ways to align and balance this chakra include:
Spending time outdoors and being mindful of nature is a great way to connect with the earth, become more grounded, and realign the Muladhara chakra. Take a walk in the woods or on the beach, go hiking in the mountains, or simply spend some time in your backyard or nearby park.
Visualization is a powerful technique for balancing the chakras. Try this simple visualization to start with the root chakra. Repeat it for at least ten minutes each day.
Sit quietly and focus on your root chakra. Visualize a red ball of energy at the base of your spine and imagine this ball of energy expanding and filling your entire body with a warm, glowing energy. Focus on your breath and let go of any tension or negative thoughts.
Mindful breathing calms the mind and energizes the body. A simple breathwork exercise for the root chakra is to inhale deeply and visualize red energy flowing into the base of your spine, then exhale and imagine all discomfort, tension and fatigue leaving your body.
Certain yoga poses are beneficial for aligning specific chakras. For the Muladhara chakra, these include tree pose, mountain pose, and downward dog. These three poses help to ground the body and create a sense of stability, which helps to align the root chakra.
Affirmations are positive statements that are thought or spoken repeatedly to reprogram the mind and align our energy vibration. For affirmations to improve the functioning of a particular chakra, one must use statements that are specifically designed for that chakra. For example, good affirmations for the Muladhara chakra are:
I am safe and supported.
I trust my body.
I feel strong and secure.
I am grounded and stable.
I belong in this world.
The best crystals for this chakra to meditate with or wear are smoky quartz, obsidian, bloodstone and black tourmaline.
Chant a mantra or listen to meditation music that contains the musical note C at a frequency of 396 Hz.
The Svadhisthana chakra, also known as the sacral chakra, is the second of the seven primary chakras in the body. The Sanskrit word svadhisthana means ‘where your being is established’. Swa means ‘self’ and adhishthana means ‘established.
The sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen and is associated with creativity, passion and sensuality. It governs the reproductive organs, kidneys and bladder.
When the Svadhisthana chakra is open, aligned and balanced, we experience a deep sense of creativity, emotional balance and vitality. We feel a strong sense of joy and satisfaction in our physical experiences.
On the other hand, when the Svadhisthana chakra is blocked or underactive, we may experience a sense of emotional numbness, depression, or anxiety. We may have difficulty connecting with our creative instincts and deriving pleasure from our physical experiences. This chakra is particularly blocked by excessive fear.
Conversely, when the Svadhisthana chakra is overactive, we may become overly attached to our physical desires, such as sex, food, or mind-altering substances, which can lead to addiction and disconnection from our emotional self.
Suggested ways to align and balance this chakra include:
Engaging in creative pursuits is one of the most effective ways to activate and align the sacral chakra. This can include things like painting, singing, writing, dancing, inventing, constructing, or any other form of creative expression that resonates with you.
Mindfulness activities such as yoga, tai chi, mindful dance, gardening, or walking meditation bring more physical awareness and balance. Focus on sensations in your lower abdomen and pelvic region during your mindfulness practice to help activate this chakra.
Spend time outdoors connecting with nature and being fully present in the moment. Walk barefoot on grass or sand. Hike in the woods or climb a mountain. Swim in a natural body of water, or simply spend time near a river, waterfall, or beach.
Take the best possible care of your physical body with regular exercise, healthy food choices, and good sleep habits. Pay attention to your physical needs and treat your body with kindness and respect.
Trauma, stress, and negative emotions can have a significant impact on the energy balance in the Svadhisthana chakra. Work with a therapist or counselor to process and resolve emotional wounds, join a support group, or begin a journaling practice to achieve greater emotional balance and energy alignment within this chakra.
With a balanced Svadhisthana chakra, you will feel more connected to your emotions, more creative, and better able to enjoy all the joys life has to offer.
The best crystals for this chakra to meditate with or wear are carnelian, sunstone, orange jasper and orange calcite.
Chant a mantra or listen to meditation music that contains the musical note D at a frequency of 417 Hz.
The Manipura chakra, also known as the solar plexus chakra or the navel chakra, is the third of the seven primary chakras in the body. The Sanskrit word manipura means ‘shining jewel’ or ‘radiant gem’.
Located in the area of the upper abdomen, above the navel, the solar plexus chakra is associated with personal power and identity, self-confidence, sense of purpose, individual will, and personal transformation. It also controls our digestive system and metabolism.
When the Manipura chakra is open, aligned and balanced, we are able to assert and believe in ourselves, make choices and decisions with conviction, and take responsibility.
On the other hand, when this chakra is blocked or underactive, we may experience a lack of self-confidence, uncertainty, indecisiveness, and feelings of powerlessness. But when the Manipura chakra is overactive, we can become temperamental, aggressive, arrogant, domineering, controlling, and even manic.
Suggested ways to align and balance this chakra include:
The sun is a source of fire energy associated with this chakra. Spend time outdoors on sunny days to absorb its energy. But be careful to limit exposure to the sun during peak hours. The sun’s rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., so avoid sunbathing during these hours to minimize your exposure to harmful UV rays. If you have fair skin, burn easily, or have a family history of skin cancer, be extra cautious about sun exposure.
Yoga poses that specifically target the solar plexus region can help balance this chakra. Some good poses to try include Dhanurasana (bow pose), Bhujangasana (cobra pose), and Trikonasana (triangle pose).
Essential oils such as ginger, turmeric and lemon can help balance the Manipura chakra. You can diffuse these oils in your home, add them to your bath water, or apply them topically to your solar plexus chakra.
Yellow is associated with the Manipura chakra. Wearing yellow clothing can help activate and balance this chakra. Yellow foods such as bananas, lemons and corn are also associated with the Manipura chakra. Eating these foods can help nourish this chakra from within.
Repeating positive affirmations about yourself can help boost your self-esteem and balance the Manipura chakra. Some good affirmations to try are
I am confident in my abilities.
I am worthy of success.
I am achieving my goals.
The best crystals for this chakra to meditate with or wear are citrine, yellow jasper and golden topaz.
Chant a mantra or listen to meditation music that contains the musical note E at a frequency of 528 Hz.
The Anahata chakra, also known as the heart chakra or heart center, is the fourth of the seven primary chakras in the body. The Sanskrit word anahata means ‘unstruck’ or ‘unbeaten’. It is the subtle sound produced ‘without touching two parts’.
The Anahata chakra is located in the center of the chest, near the heart, and is associated with empathy, love, compassion, and forgiveness. It also governs our heart, lungs, thymus gland, and circulatory system, and plays an important role in our immune system, emotions, and relationships.
It is symbolized by a twelve-petaled lotus flower with two triangles intersecting, representing the mystical union of male and female, the metaphysical and the physical. The Anahata chakra serves as a bridge between the lower three physical chakras and the higher spiritual chakras, connecting the earthly and divine energies within us.
When the Anahata chakra is open, aligned and balanced, we feel a sense of connection with ourselves, others and the world around us. We are also able to let go of negative emotions such as anger, resentment, and fear in favor of giving and receiving love, cultivating compassion and empathy, and extending forgiveness to ourselves and others. When the heart chakra is in balance, we experience a deep sense of love, tolerance, harmony and emotional well-being.
On the other hand, when this chakra is blocked or underactive, we may have difficulty expressing love and compassion. We are also more likely to be unkind and intolerant, and to experience negative emotions such as anger, resentment, fear, and even hatred.
On the other hand, if the Anahata chakra is too open and overactive, we become overly caring, too selfless for our own good, and codependent in relationships. We have difficulty setting boundaries, find it difficult to say no, easily feel victimized, and may suppress legitimate anger.
Suggested ways to align and balance this chakra include:
Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. Visualize a vibrant green light emanating from your heart center, filling your entire body with love and compassion.
Include heart-opening yoga poses in your practice, such as camel pose, cobra pose, or bridge pose. These poses stretch and energize the chest area and promote a sense of openness and vulnerability.
Repeat positive affirmations and mantras related to love and compassion, such as “I am open to giving and receiving love” and “I lovingly choose to forgive and let go.
Engage in creative activities such as painting, dancing, or writing to express your feelings and connect with your heart center.
The best crystals for this chakra to meditate with or wear are rose quartz, green aventurine and emerald.
Chant a mantra or listen to meditation music that contains the musical note F at a frequency of 639 Hz.
The Vishuddha chakra, also known as the throat chakra, is the fifth of the seven primary chakras in the body. The Sanskrit word vishuddha means ‘pure’ or ‘purification’.
The Vishuddha chakra is located in the center of the throat, near the spine, and is associated with the element of sound. The throat chakra governs self-expression, communication and the ability to speak our personal truth. Think of it as the energetic epicenter of your voice and authentic self.
It is also associated with the health of the thyroid, parathyroid, tonsils, vocal cords, esophagus, trachea and larynx.
The Vishuddha chakra is traditionally depicted as a sixteen-petaled lotus flower with an inverted triangle, symbolizing spiritual growth and expansion. Its color is bright blue, representing wisdom, truth and purity.
When the Vishuddha chakra is open, aligned and balanced, we are able to communicate clearly and express ourselves with confidence. We are also more able to speak our truth without fear, and we become better listeners.
On the other hand, if this chakra is blocked or underactive, we may have difficulty expressing our thoughts and feelings and speaking our truth. We may find it physically difficult to speak clearly and may even stutter when we try to speak. It can also manifest in physical symptoms such as asthma, coughing, hearing problems and ear infections, loss of voice, tight shoulder muscles or neck pain.
Conversely, if the Vishuddha chakra is too open and overactive, we may talk too much and too loudly, constantly interrupting others and dominating conversations. We also don’t listen to what others have to say and tend to be very opinionated.
Suggested ways to align and balance this chakra include:
Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Imagine a bright blue light at the base of your throat, gently rotating. Visualize this light becoming brighter and brighter and expanding, clearing any blockages in your throat chakra.
Express yourself and speak your truth. Honestly share your ideas, thoughts and feelings with those around you. Keep a journal or video blog. Sign up for a public speaking class, join a poetry reading group, or participate in an open mic stand-up comedy event.
Eat “blue” whole foods such as blueberries and elderberries, blue cheese, blue potatoes, and Hopi corn.
Certain yoga poses and neck stretches help to balance and align this chakra. Fish pose and neck twists are good choices.
Remember that aligning your throat chakra is an ongoing process. Be patient with yourself and in time you’ll reap the rewards of improved communication, creativity and authentic self-expression. Your voice matters, so make it heard!
The best crystals for this chakra to meditate with or wear are lapis lazuli, blue lace agate and sodalite.
Chant a mantra or listen to meditation music that contains the musical note G at a frequency of 714 Hz. Chanting, singing or even humming works wonders for the throat chakra. Try singing your favorite song or chanting the ‘Om’ (Aum) mantra. These vibrations stimulate and clear the throat chakra.
The Ajna chakra, also known as the third eye chakra, is the sixth primary chakra in the human body. In Sanskrit, ajna means ‘to anoint’. This chakra is the energy center of our inner vision, where we perceive the interweaving of memory, fantasy, intuition and imagination.
Located between the eyebrows in the center of the forehead, the Ajna chakra is associated with intuition, enlightenment, spiritual awareness and higher consciousness. It is the “seat of the soul” and connects us to our higher self. The third eye chakra is also where we access our intuitive abilities, use our gut instincts, and connect with our inner guidance.
It also controls several organs in the human body, including the pineal gland, pituitary gland, and hypothalamus in the brain, as well as the eyes.
The Ajna Chakra is symbolized by two lotus petals, a downward facing triangle, and the mantra “Ohm” in the center. The circle represents infinity and wholeness, the lotus petals represent purity and enlightenment, and the triangle represents the element of air. It represents our potential for spiritual growth and enlightenment, the power of the mind, and the connection between the individual and the Divine.
When the Ajna chakra is open, aligned and balanced, we are able to perceive the subtle energies around us with greater clarity and are more attuned to our intuitive inner guidance.
We are more mentally focused and open and can make choices and decisions with greater clarity and insight. We are also able to generate new ideas and innovative solutions to problems.
The Ajna chakra is also our gateway to higher consciousness, and when it is open, we are more likely to experience spiritual insights and feel connected to something greater than ourselves. We also have a greater sense of purpose and self-awareness.
On the other hand, when this chakra is blocked or underactive, we may have difficulty concentrating and making decisions, and we may lack clarity and direction in life. We may experience mental fog, feel overwhelmed by information or negative thoughts, and tend to overthink things.
We may also feel disconnected from our inner guidance and higher self, and have difficulty trusting our intuition. People with a blocked third eye chakra also tend to be cynical and skeptical about spiritual matters.
However, if the Ajna chakra is too open and overactive, we develop an overactive imagination that leads to excessive daydreaming or fantasizing. We may have obsessive thoughts and manic ideas. We may also become zealously religious or preoccupied with spirituality and have difficulty distinguishing between genuine spiritual experiences and delusions or hallucinations. We may also develop a sense of superiority regarding our own soul development or arrogance toward people who do not share our spiritual beliefs.
Suggested ways to align and balance this chakra include:
Find a moment each day to pause, breathe, and reflect on your inner vision. Focus on the space between your eyebrows and visualize a clear indigo blue light emanating from your forehead and spreading out into the universe. Imagine this light connecting you to your higher consciousness and intuition, or stream a Third Eye guided meditation on your favorite app. Start with a 5-minute meditation and gradually increase the duration as you feel comfortable.
Certain yoga poses specifically activate the Ajna chakra. Poses like Downward-Facing Dog, Dolphin Pose, and Plow Pose gently compress the forehead, increasing energy flow to the area and aligning the rest of the body with the third eye.
Chanting the seed mantra “Ohm” activates and opens the Ajna chakra. Repeat the mantra, focusing on its sound and meaning.
Expressing our thoughts and ideas through art or journaling stimulates the imagination and promotes inner clarity. Write, draw, paint, or sculpt your thoughts, dreams, intuitions, and visions for the future. Visualize as you create or write, allowing your mind’s eye to guide and inspire you.
Diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids, dark leafy greens, and vibrant purple foods such as berries, eggplant, and purple grapes nourish the third eye. Include more of these foods in your diet to restore balance and strengthen your connection to your intuition.
Diffuse an essential oil such as frankincense, sandalwood, lavender, mugwort, or clary sage during your daily spiritual practice to increase mindfulness, heighten intuitive awareness, and stimulate the imagination. Remember that activating and balancing the Ajna chakra is a process. Be patient and persistent in Third Eye practices that resonate with you. As you deepen your connection with your third eye chakra, you’ll discover a world of heightened intuition, creative thinking, and spiritual awareness. Your Third Eye awaits your discovery.
The best crystals for this chakra to meditate with or wear are amethyst, fluorite and clear quartz.
Meditate with the crystal or gemstone by holding it near your forehead and become aware of your “mind’s eye” and any inner visions you experience.
Chant a mantra or listen to meditation music that contains the musical note A at a frequency of 852 Hz.
The Sahasrara chakra, also known as the ‘crown chakra’, is the seventh and highest primary chakra in the human energy system. In Sanskrit, sahasrara means ‘thousand-petalled’ or ‘thousandfold’.
This chakra is the energy center that connects us to God, Source, Spirit, the Divine and Universal Consciousness. It is associated with spiritual awareness, higher consciousness, enlightenment and universal truth.
Located at the top of our head, the place where the soul is believed to leave the body at death, the crown chakra is the seat of the superconscious mind or supreme consciousness. It is from this chakra that all other chakras emanate, and when fully activated it is believed to lead to nirvikalpa sam?dhi, a blissful supreme state of pure expanded consciousness.
The Sahasrara chakra is symbolized by a purple lotus flower in full bloom with a thousand petals surrounding a luminous circle with the seed mantra “Ohm” in the center. The circle represents infinity, wholeness and the eternal cycle of life. The thousand petals represent the infinite nature and divine unity of the universe. Each petal also represents a different stage of our spiritual awakening and expansion.
When the Sahasrara chakra is open, aligned and balanced, we experience a profound sense of oneness with the universe and a deep personal connection with divinity. We have a heightened awareness and deeper understanding of our place in the universe and our interconnected oneness with everyone and everything, including God, Source, Spirit, the Divine.
On the other hand, when this chakra is blocked or underactive, we can feel spiritually disconnected and lost without a sense of purpose. We become very atheistic and cynical about the meaning of life. We lose our joy and sense of wonder and may feel overwhelmed by reality. People with an imbalanced crown chakra often have a complete lack of optimism, are extremely jaded about life, and have absolutely no faith in anyone or anything.
However, if the crown chakra is too open and overactive, we may become obsessively fixated on our spirituality while neglecting our relationships and responsibilities in other areas of our lives. We may also develop extremist spiritual views or dogmatic religious beliefs, to the point of denying even our physical survival needs, such as food, sleep, and exercise, in the belief that we can transcend the limitations of the body.
In the worst cases, one may develop a messianic complex, cult-like thinking, or an extreme sense of spiritual superiority and infallibility, believing that one possesses special spiritual wisdom or enlightenment.
Suggested ways to align and balance this chakra include:
To keep the crown chakra active and balanced, we need to engage with it every day by setting aside some digital-free time. Cultivate your connection to the divine, however you personally define your higher power. Unplug from the everyday world and your digital devices and go within through meditation, prayer, or simply quiet contemplation. This practice fosters a deeper sense of connection within and without.
Spend time in nature while maintaining a state of present-moment awareness. Use all your senses to be fully present and aware of all the beautiful and peaceful sights, sounds, smells, textures, and tastes of nature around you.
Certain yoga postures help open and balance the crown chakra by promoting the flow of life energy to the top of the head, fostering spiritual connection, higher consciousness, and a sense of openness and clarity. Recommended asanas include shoulderstand, plow, and rabbit.
Essential oils such as frankincense and lavender help balance the crown chakra. Add a few drops to a diffuser or gently inhale the scent directly.
The best crystals for this chakra to meditate with or wear are selenite, amethyst, and diamond.
Place the crystal on your forehead or hold it in your hand while meditating.
Chant a mantra or listen to meditation music that contains the musical note B at a frequency of 963 Hz.
Zondra is a highly successful Intuitive and Life Coach, dispensing her unique gifts she's developed over the last 20 years. Zondra acts as the remote control in the hands of her clients, helping them to select the best channel for their dream outcome to appear. A 5th generation psychic, her innate psychic gifts and her curious nature allowed her to explore and master NLP and Mental Training to incorporate coaching techniques that blend beautifully with Tarot. She's advised many on national and international markets and has experience serving companies in Portugal, UK, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Brazil, and in the US. She uses her experience to benefit others, to help them find ways to make real and important changes in their lives. So, if you'd like to change your life channel pronto, you've just reached the home of a very compassionate, non-judgmental practitioner, gifted in helping you manifest the life you'd prefer to be living. |
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